why you need to destress
Stress is a part of life. From work stress to family or financial stress, the feeling when you’re stuck. When we experience stress, our bodies respond in order to protect us from harm. Stress can be physical or emotional, but it’s usually a combination of both. Stress can be both positive or negative.
Stress has many results and many of them are negative. Stress can stand in the way of getting a job done. When you are very stress and finish a job, the stress can hide your sense of accomplishment and satisfaction of even if it’s the best job that you have ever done.
When you destress, you can better handle any situation.
Since everyone is different, you will need to determine which is the best way for you to destress.
A coffee break, quick walk, or putting your mind on something different for a few minutes, are a few ways that may be useful for you to destress.
Everyone’s body is different, so there is no single method that will work perfectly for everyone.
Managing unhealthy habits and destressing is key to change
The world is a pressure cooker and sometimes it can feel like we’re all walking on eggshells. Between work, family, and social obligations, it’s no wonder so many of us are stressed out. But there are ways to destress without taking drugs or turning to alcohol.
When life feels overwhelming, it’s important to find ways to destress and recenter yourself.
Here are 10 quick tips to help you do just that:
Add some soothing aromatherapy or add a few drops of lavender oil to your bathtub to help you relax.
A quick workout can help work out any tension or stress you may be feeling. Exercise can be one of the best ways to relieve stress because it allows you to take in fresh air, release endorphins and feel accomplished.
Spend time outside in nature, and take in the fresh air to center yourself. Take a walk around if you’re at work to improve your move. Either way, bot are to help you relieve your stress and help center yourself.
Put on some calming music and allow yourself to unwind.
Laughter is one of the best ways to de-stress and feel good!
When feeling overwhelmed, take a few minutes for yourself to just breathe and relax.
Some find that coloring helps or an easy word find may help. It gets your mind a break from what is stressing you out so you can return to it at another time to focus on.
8. Don’t skimp on sleep
You need to be well rested in order to function properly. A lack of sleep can lead to a number of health problems, including obesity, diabetes, heart disease, and stroke.
Sleep is also essential for your mental health. A lack of sleep can contribute to anxiety and depression.
Relaxation breathing is a great way to relax your muscles, release stress and feel refreshed.
Talk to someone about what’s going on or write it down. Getting it out of mind will ease the stress and hopefully and end to it with a solution.
If you are feeling overwhelmed, it is ok to ask for help. You are not alone and no one expects you to do everything on your own.
Destressing should not be seen as an excuse. There are probably a few things going on in your life right now that are stressing you out. Maybe its there’s a deadline looming and you’re not sure if you’ll be able to meet it, or maybe something at work is really frustrating you.
Whatever the cause, there’s no need to let stress get the best of you.
Once you have begun to assess the effects of stress on your work life, it should not be difficult to determine when the need to de-stress arises. However, neither you nor your job can afford to use de-stressing as an excuse to be lazy or irresponsible.
With some practice, noticing when stress is beginning to have an effect on your work or day, will come easy and be better for your health overall. A little break for whatever specific kind of de-stressing is most appropriate for you should reduce or relieve your stress. When you are not overwhelmed by stress, it will be easier to focus on what you are doing and get it done.
Ways to Stay De-Stress at Work
Workplace stress can be a killer and can bleed into other areas of your life.
Get organized and stay organized
Organize your desk, your files, your computer, your phone, and your life. You’ll be more productive if you get organized. And if you need to be organized in general, an organized workspace will get you started.
Create a To-Do List
Have you ever been working on something and it seems like it’s never going to be done? Make a to-do list. When you create a to-do list, you can more easily see what you need to do and what you don’t need to do.
Make a plan
Make a plan for the day. Think about what you want to accomplish. What are your goals? What are your deadlines? Do you have any research to help you determine your best strategy?
One way to plan out your day is to list three things that you want to get accomplished for that day.
Set goals
Set goals for the day. Write down your goals. What are your sales goals? What are your sales numbers? What are your sales objectives? What are your sales plans?
Set deadlines for yourself. If you’re not sure what your sales plan is, set a deadline. If you don’t know what your sales numbers are, set a deadline. If you don’t know what your sales objectives are, set a deadline.
Actionable Steps
Break your work into small tasks: Break your work into small tasks. You can break your work into small tasks if you’re having trouble coming up with ideas. Think about your goals. What are you trying to accomplish? What’s your best sales approach?
Take breaks
You may feel like you have to stay at your desk, but it’s important to take breaks. You need to give your brain time to rest and refresh.
Be productive
Take your breaks, but be productive. When you’re working and you’re not being productive, you need to take breaks. Get up and move away your desk and move. I typically try to get up every hour. It helps me clear my head and think about what I’m doing.
Practice Mindfulness
Mindfulness is the practice of being present in the moment and paying attention to your thoughts, feelings, and sensations without judgment. It can help you to become more aware of your surroundings and the people in your life. Mindfulness can also help you to better manage stress and anxiety.
Relaxation and Relaxation Techniques
There is a lot of research that shows that we are more productive when we are well-rested, well-organized. If you want to be more productive, you need to manage your time effectively, and destress before and after work. Learn to decompress.
Step 1: Exercise: Physical activity is the most effective way to reduce stress. You can do this by walking, running, playing sports, working out in a gym, or even yoga.
Step 2: Meditation: Meditation is another way to relax. There are many different types of meditation, but they all involve focusing on a single thought or feeling.
Step 3: Deep Breathing: Deep breathing is a simple technique that can be used to reduce stress. Breathe deeply for a few minutes, then slowly exhale through your mouth.
Step 4: Visualization: Visualize yourself doing something you love. Imagine yourself relaxing in a beautiful place.
Step 5: Focus On The Positive: If you’re having trouble relaxing, try thinking about your good qualities. Think about the positive things you’ve done in your life.
We all experience stress in our lives, whether it is positive or negative. Positive stress can be beneficial, providing us with the necessary energy and motivation to achieve our goals. Negative stress, on the other hand, can be harmful, leading to health problems such as anxiety and depression.
The main differences between positive and negative stressors is our reaction. With positive stress, we are more excited and motivated, whereas with negative stress, we tend to feel anxious and overwhelmed. This is because negative stress creates a sense of threat or danger, while positive stress does not.
Another difference between positive and negative stress is that negative stress often has a physical effect on our bodies. For example, it can increase our heart rate and blood pressure, cause us to lose sleep or make us feel sick.
As humans, we are constantly bombarded with stimuli that can be overwhelming. From the sound of a classmate’s voice in the hallway to the flashing lights of a car accident, our senses are constantly being stimulated. Unfortunately, this constant stimulation can have negative effects on our mental and physical health.
Stress has the power to cause all sorts of problems. When you work in an office, you’ll see stress affect your job every day.
This is why destressing should never be considered a luxury, foolish, or a waste of time. Neglecting yourself can prevent you from getting anything done.
Productivity for Busy Professional Series
You can go to the main page of this productivity series here, all professional articles here, or other articles below:
- What should you do first
- Create a Game Plan
- Tasks for Your Goal
- Reduce Your Distractions to Focus
- Take Care of Yourself
- Exercise Self-Discipline
- You Can Do the Impossible
- Increasing Your Motivation
- Don’t Let Setbacks Get You Down!
- Be Goal-Oriented
- Organization to Productivity
- Don’t Let Setbacks Get You Down!
- Be Goal-Oriented
- Organization to Productivity
- When You Need to Delegate for Productivity
- Avoiding Burnout
- Supplies are a Factor when it comes to productivity
- A Positive mindset to stay productive
- Resisting negativity
- Productivity with You Coworkers
- Reward Yourself for Your productivity accomplishments
- Resist Overextending Yourself
- Destress
- Setting and Ranking Your Priorities
- Communication Skills
- Productive Strategies are Appropriate Everywhere!
My articles categorized into 3 areas: adventures, professional, and inspirations.
I also have a few guides:
Goal Setting Guide
Ultimate Guide to Choose the Right eCommerce Platform
Productivity Strategies for Busy Professionals
Professionally, I do marketing, websites, and ecommerce, with a background in operations and graphic design.
Topics include but not limited to: hiking, caving, weekend excursions, food, places, and/or general randomness.
General inspiration that has helped me get through the darker times in life the last few years. And it has evolved to spread it.

Cathy Gray
Cathy Gray is a natural adventurer in her personal and professional life. She adapts to overcome while maintaining an infectious laugh that will make you smile.
Professionally, Cathy currently works for an industrial hose and hydraulics company. While she was a green-horn in the hose business, she spearheaded the company’s eCommerce site from the ground up from a blank canvas to live and selling within 6 months. She continues to grow the company’s online and digital presence while increasing sales year over year.

Cathy is a dynamic one-person powerhouse overseeing marketing and ecommerce operations in Marietta, GA where she is a is a pivotal member for a prominent industrial industrial hose, hydraulic, and rubber solutions provider.
Beyond the workplace, she finds solace and inspiration in adventurous and exhilarating pursuits like skydiving and caving to roughing it weekend camping trips with friends and family.
With a unique blend of professional expertise and a zest for life’s adventures, Cathy is committed to driving success both in and out of the office. And of course with that cup of coffee in hand!