Having a positive mindset at work is not only important in terms of keeping a happy, healthy work life balance, but it’s also crucial to your success in your career.
There’s a reason why most people who work in an office feel like they’re trapped there. It’s because they are.
The truth is, most of us spend far more time at work than we do with our families or friends. The average office worker spends 8.8 hours a day at work, and the average full-time employee works 50 weeks out of the year.
That means we’re spending about 95% of our waking lives at work. And while it can be great to be around our colleagues, we’re often forced to deal with stressful situations. The result? Most of us end up feeling stressed, anxious and depressed.
How to Have a Positive Mindset at Work
Ask yourself “How can I be more positive?” You can’t change your negative feelings or your past failures, but you can change your mindset. You can change your attitudes and your behaviors. You can change your focus.
Don’t complain: You can’t control what happens outside of you. You can only control what you do. If you’re complaining about what’s happening, you’re giving your power away to that negative situation.
Take responsibility: It’s easy to blame others or yourself for situations you don’t like. You can’t control what happens in the world, but you can control how you react to it.
Change your thoughts: Change your thoughts about what’s happening. If you’re complaining about something, change your thoughts to something positive. If you’re blaming yourself, change your thoughts to something more positive.
Do what you can: If you have no control over a situation, you can still act and try to make the situation better. This is called “doing what you can.”
Be grateful: Gratitude is the first step in changing your mindset and creating a positive outlook. You will feel better when you are grateful for what you have. When you are grateful, you will be more optimistic.
Find and Focus on the positives: Focus on what you do have rather than what you don’t.
When you focus on the positive, you will be more productive and have a happier attitude. You’ll be more motivated, and you’ll accomplish more. You’ll feel better, look better, and you’ll be more successful.
Stop comparing yourself: Comparisons are a waste of time. Don’t compare yourself to others. Instead, focus on what you do have. You will feel better when you are focusing on what you do have rather than what you don’t.
Think about all the things that you like about your job. You might find that you like the people you work with, the money you make, the benefits you have, the variety of tasks, the office, the city, the country, or even your company. It’s not easy to think about all of the things you like about your job. But if you do, you’ll be more productive and you’ll have a happier attitude.
Start with the end in mind: Start with the end in mind. When you start with the end in mind, you will be able to get a lot more done in a shorter period.
Think about your successes: Think about all the things that you accomplished in the past and all of the things that you’re doing right now. Think about all the things that you accomplished in the past. Think about all the things that you’re doing right now. Think about how you feel when you accomplish something. Think about how you felt when you fail. Think about how you feel when you make mistakes. Think about how you feel when you’re not able to accomplish anything. All these thoughts will help you become more productive and have a happier attitude. You had troubles and obstacles, but you overcame them.
If you want to be productive, nothing boosts your productivity as surely and easily as a positive frame of mind. You don’t need to spend time repeating affirmations to yourself in order to improve your productivity. It’s important to acknowledge that your mindset influences and affects your productivity.
Personal Life Seeping to Work Life
Simply put, shit happens.
If you are having problems in your personal life, the more able you are to keep them out of your work life the better you will perform. E If there is something which you need help with, getting help during your free time can prevent it from interfering with your work.
On the other hand, if there is something negative about your work life, it should be addressed and dealt with. Feeling overwhelmed, anxious, stressed, or burdened will only slow you down.
The more you can remain positive and upbeat, the more you will accomplish. Even if you are facing a task which is especially large or difficult, a positive frame of mind can help you to accomplish more than you thought you could.
Nothing can be done all at once. It takes many small steps to get something done. Sometimes errors and setbacks occur. But when you tell yourself that each step is getting you closer to your goal, you are on the right track. When you do this, you are giving yourself the encouragement and the motivation you need for success.
I’m not going to lie, there have been times I have had to step away to collect myself when my personal things were getting the better of me.
Just Remember
Having a positive frame of mind does not come naturally to everyone. If you are one of the many people who have never put much thought into it, today is the ideal time to start. A positive frame of mind will allow you to feel more confident about yourself, and more confident about your abilities. Even if self-confidence is a relatively new experience for you, you will be reaping the rewards in no time at all. You will soon see how much a positive frame of mind affects how much you get done, and how pleased you are with the results. You will be more productive, and more satisfied with the outcome.
Productivity for Busy Professional Series
You can go to the main page of this productivity series here, all professional articles here, or other articles below:
- What should you do first
- Create a Game Plan
- Tasks for Your Goal
- Reduce Your Distractions to Focus
- Take Care of Yourself
- Exercise Self-Discipline
- You Can Do the Impossible
- Increasing Your Motivation
- Don’t Let Setbacks Get You Down!
- Be Goal-Oriented
- Organization to Productivity
- Don’t Let Setbacks Get You Down!
- Be Goal-Oriented
- Organization to Productivity
- When You Need to Delegate for Productivity
- Avoiding Burnout
- Supplies are a Factor when it comes to productivity
- A Positive mindset to stay productive
- Resisting negativity
- Productivity with You Coworkers
- Reward Yourself for Your productivity accomplishments
- Resist Overextending Yourself
- Destress
- Setting and Ranking Your Priorities
- Communication Skills
- Productive Strategies are Appropriate Everywhere!
My articles categorized into 3 areas: adventures, professional, and inspirations.
I also have a few guides:
Goal Setting Guide
Ultimate Guide to Choose the Right eCommerce Platform
Productivity Strategies for Busy Professionals
Professionally, I do marketing, websites, and ecommerce, with a background in operations and graphic design.
Topics include but not limited to: hiking, caving, weekend excursions, food, places, and/or general randomness.
General inspiration that has helped me get through the darker times in life the last few years. And it has evolved to spread it.

Cathy Gray
Cathy Gray is a natural adventurer in her personal and professional life. She adapts to overcome while maintaining an infectious laugh that will make you smile.
Professionally, Cathy currently works for an industrial hose and hydraulics company. While she was a green-horn in the hose business, she spearheaded the company’s eCommerce site from the ground up from a blank canvas to live and selling within 6 months. She continues to grow the company’s online and digital presence while increasing sales year over year.

Cathy is a dynamic one-person powerhouse overseeing marketing and ecommerce operations in Marietta, GA where she is a is a pivotal member for a prominent industrial industrial hose, hydraulic, and rubber solutions provider.
Beyond the workplace, she finds solace and inspiration in adventurous and exhilarating pursuits like skydiving and caving to roughing it weekend camping trips with friends and family.
With a unique blend of professional expertise and a zest for life’s adventures, Cathy is committed to driving success both in and out of the office. And of course with that cup of coffee in hand!