The adventure lifestyle is all about having a great time, enjoying life to the fullest and living a healthy, balanced lifestyle.

So how do you get started?

I find that starting with a big vision and narrowing the big stuff to little stuff helps me. I keep a running list and refer to it when I need to.

Start by making a list of all the things you want to do in your life. Then, start planning how you can make those things happen. Start small, by taking baby steps towards your goal. For example, if you want to travel the world, start by saving up money for a plane ticket and researching where you want to go.

If you want to be an adventurer, start by doing things that are outside your comfort zone. Go on new hikes, try new foods, and meet new people.

The sky is the limit!

If you want more details, some pros, pros and more details I have written a more detailed article on the matter.

Here are the 101 tips for getting started on your own adventure lifestyle:

This list is not in a particular order. They are listed in the order that came to me when I started writing this article. I’ll categorize them at a later date for ease of use.

The categories are:

  • Budgeting
  • Travel and Lodging
  • Safety
  • Types of Adventure
  • Yourself and Others
  • Miscellaneous


Travel, Lodging and Food


Types of Adventures


Yourself and Others

  1. Start local the spread out.
    • Don’t be afraid to start small. There are plenty of opportunities to get out there and explore your own backyard. Once you get comfortable, expand to another local city.
  2. It’s a lifestyle.
    • You don’t need to be rich or famous to get started on an adventure lifestyle—you just need the right mindset. Just start doing.
  3. Keep an open mind.
    • If you’re starting out, it’s easy to get caught up in the idea of what “adventure” is supposed to look like—whether that’s climbing Mount Everest or taking a hike through Yellowstone. But if you’re constantly trying to measure your adventure against what other people have done, you’ll miss out on a lot of great opportunities that are right in front of you.
  4. Take mini vacations instead of the yearly ones.
    • You don’t have to wait until the end of the year to take a vacation. Instead of making that yearly trip to a faraway place, why not take a mini vacation every few months? Head out for a night in another city, and then come home refreshed and ready to go again. You’ll be surprised at how much this can change your perspective on life—and your outlook on work. All those little vacations add up, and before you know it, you’ll have taken two or three big vacations without even realizing it!
  5. Meal prep.
    • If your on a budget, meal prep before you head out.
  6. Bring your own food or shop during instead of eating out.
    • Grab your cooler and stop at the grocery store for what you will need.
  7. Maintain your vehicle.
    • There is nothing worse than being away from home and your vehicle breaks down.
  8. Car camp.
    • If you’re limited to gear, you can easily lay down the backseat and use what you have on hand to make it comfortable.
  9. Be safe.
    • No matter what listen to your gut. You can be adventurous and try new things, just use common sense.
  10. Be flexible.
    • Don’t get too attached to your plans. If it doesn’t work out, try something different! Be open to new experiences, even if they’re not what you expected.
  11. Ask the community.
    • There are plenty of groups, locally and nationally, that cater to many interests. Join, observe, and partake in the conversations when you’re ready.
  12. Follow people.
    • Follow the ones that are adventurous themselves. Let them inspire you.
  13. Start small.
    • Try simple things that get you out of your comfort zone, like going to eat by yourself or attending a networking event where you don’t know anyone. Just start with something.
  14. For ideas start with things that you like to do or wish you would do.
    • When I was younger I was pretty good at painting and I haven’t picked it up since then. Instead of painting, I have been doing more drawing.
  15. Don’t just leave it the weekend for adventure.
    • You can have adventures during the week too! If you’re working a 9-5 job, you might think that your only chance for adventure is on weekends. But there are lots of ways to be an adventurer on weekdays as well. This is the perfect time to try that new restaurant for a quick lunch or meet up with some friends after work once a month.
  16. Don’t wait for others to join you.
    • Many people would rather and feel more comfortable with doing things with other people. Totally get it, but why wait on other people. Go do it anyway and you’ll probably meet people while you’re doing it.
  17. Use campsites instead of hotels.
    • The best way to get started on your own adventure lifestyle is to make it as simple as possible. Camping is an adventure lifestyle staple, but it doesn’t have to be as expensive as you think. And if camping isn’t your thing, you don’t have to do it.
  18. Indoor activities.
    • Outdoor activities. Depending on what you are comfortable with, camping to hiking to skiing to kayaking. Know your limits and also open to knew things.
  19. Bring your pet.
    • Bring your dog when you can. I’ve even seen some cats on the trails or at breweries with their owners.
  20. Keep a list of what you’d like to do.
    • Having a list handy will help keep a log of what you’d like to do and add to the list.
  21. Let others know where you will be.
    • Obviously for safety, but also because there’s no better way to get people to come join you on your adventure than by telling them about it!
  22. Plan an adventure.
    • I’ve talked about having extended weekend getaways, so plan for one.
  23. Be spontaneous.
    • Be open to last minute adventures. It’s not always good to have your calendar booked solid.
  24. Keep an emergency kit.
    • It’s easy to forget about the little things that can make a big difference in our lives if we’re ever in a pinch. Make sure you have a first aid kit with you, even if it’s just basic stuff like bandages and painkillers. Having something on hand to help you stay calm and collected can be a lifesaver when you’re feeling overwhelmed by an unfamiliar situation. An emergency kit doesn’t have to be a firs aid kit, pack extra clothes, socks, another days worth of food.
  25. Be prepared.
    • Research the place where you are going, especially if it’s new to you. Also check the weather. If you travel in your vehicle, make you have extra gear prepared. For me, I know that I will always have a poncho in the glovebox.
  26. Day packs.
    • Have on hand what you would typically take ready to go. For me, I have one for myself and one for my dog. Depending on the activity that I am doing I can easily switch what I need.
  27. Festivals.
    • Check for festivals in your local area or wherever you plan to be.
  28. Stay hydrated.
    • I cannot stress this enough. It’s easy to forget to stay hydrated when you’re on the road. When you’re leading an adventurous lifestyle, one of the most important things to remember is to stay hydrated. You can never have enough water, and it’s easy to forget to drink it when you’re having so much fun exploring new places and meeting new people.
  29. Rent equipment before you buy.
    • Let’s say you want to get into photography. You can rent the gear and try them out before you make your decisions.
  30. Bring extra clothes.
    • It never hurts to bring more that you may need.
  31. Have your gear organized.
    • This is a big one for me that I need to practice. I am not organized by nature, but it does help to have your gear organized and ready to go when needed.
  32. Know your limits.
    • If you are doing something new, be adventurous, but know what you will and will not do.
  33. Be smart about where you go.
    • Please don’t go to places that are known to be dangerous and then be the victim later as if you didn’t know.
  34. Check-in with people.
    • You don’t have to have daily check-ins with someone, but do keep in contact and let a few other people what your general plans are.
  35. Seek discomfort in other words get out of your comfort zone.
    • You don’t have to take big risks right away—just start with baby steps. Try something small like going for a walk in an unfamiliar neighborhood or making plans with someone new. And once you’ve done that, keep pushing yourself!
  36. Select a destination and go.
    • If you are just starting out, attempt to do one thing each month. If you’re just starting out, attempt to do one thing each month. This will help you get a feel for what it’s like to be on your own adventure lifestyle. It’s important to start small so that you can build up to bigger things later.
  37. Catch up with an old friend.
    • You know that old friend you haven’t seen or talked to in a while? Call them up. It’s easy to get caught up in the day-to-day grind and forget how important it is to stay connected with the people.
  38. If you feel uncomfortable starting, do it scared.
    • The first step is always the hardest—and the most important. Don’t let fear be your guide. Everyone starts from zero.
  39. Eat out eat by yourself.
    • For whatever reason, this is a big one for most people. If you are nervous, go out to eat during the day. It’s more common to see workers to eat by themselves during lunch so you won’t feel so odd eating by yourself.
  40. Plan a day trip to a nearby city.
    • If you live in a metro area, visit a smaller town and vice versa. Seek out a different environment
  41. Try a networking event.
    • If you’re a people person, then networking events are a great way to meet the right people and get involved in your community. Even if you’re not a people person, consider trying something like a networking event that is related to your job or career. This can be a great way to practice getting out of your comfort zone and meeting new people, which is beneficial for any kind of adventurous lifestyle.
  42. Look up annual events.
    • Don’t think that there is something for you. They have DragonCon in major cities and even tv show series. You’re bound to find something that is within your interests. If your traveling somewhere, check out the local events before you go.
  43. Walk around the downtown area of somewhere new.
    • Most areas have a downtown but each is going to be different. Check out the local shops.
  44. An adventure doesn’t have to include things that require an adrenaline rush.
    • There are so many different types of adventures you can start, and some of them don’t even require getting out of your own skin! You can experience the thrill of adventure without having to go skydiving, for example. There are tons of other ways to be adventurous: a hike with a waterfall or scenic view, going to a movie or dining out by yourself, or as silly as learning to juggle.
  45. An adventure can be casual and relaxing.
    • A lot of people think that an adventure is something you only do if you have a lot of money and/or plenty of time. But that’s not true! You just need a willingness to try new things and see what happens. Some relaxing things can be taking a stroll downtown or going to an art gallery or museum.
  46. Pace yourself so you don’t get burnt out.
    • The world is your oyster, and you can do whatever you want to do! That said, it’s important to pace yourself so that you don’t get burnt out. Take it easy at first—maybe just one day a week at first—and then add one more day as you get more comfortable. If you plan too much, then you are stuck with your plans.
  47. Volunteer for a cause.
    • Get out and volunteer somewhere. If you are into animals, many local animal are always looking for volunteers to help at their facilities.
  48. Be open to meet new people.
    • No matter what you do there will always be people to meet.
  49. Remember that once you get started you will become more comfortable with doing new things.
    • You know what’s funny? When you start something new, it’s hard. You feel like you’re not doing it right, like everyone else is better than you are at this new thing, and the whole time you’re embarrassed to show your face because you don’t want to look like a total amateur. But what’s even funnier is that once you get used to doing a new thing, it becomes easier—and even fun! By the time you’ve got a few months under your belt, all those things that were so hard at first will seem like second nature. And then one day, someone will ask if they can watch while they do something they’ve never done before and you’ll be able to say “Sure!” with confidence instead of “I don’t know if I can do this.”
  50. Share with others what you are doing, either before or after.
    • You never know when you will inspire someone. For example: my neighbor’s kid has the same car that I have, except that I have a kayak strapped to the top. My neighbor told me that her daughter, who is in college, is dating someone that is into kayaking. Her daughter told her that if I can have a strap a kayak onto my car so can she. A few weeks later, I see a kayak on the car when she drove by. I waved and it made me smile. Not just on the outside, but on the inside. Now, I didn’t tell her daughter or neighbor anything, but they were the daughter was inspired nonetheless. So if you share with people, you’ll inspire more people.
  51. Don’t worry about what others think of you while your doing it. They more than likely won’t care.
    • We are our biggest critic, and in general most other people won’t pay you any attention. And if someone that you know if giving you a hard time because you are doing things, it’s because they are jealous. It’s not you, it’s them.
  52. Don’t beat yourself up if things don’t happen the way you were planning on.
    • You’re going to get off track sometimes, and that’s okay. It’s part of the process. The important thing is that you keep going. It’s normal to have setbacks. Don’t beat yourself up over them!
  53. Expect the unexpected.
    • If you try to go into every experience with a set plan of what you want to get out of it, you’ll miss out on all the unexpected things that can happen along the way.
  54. Don’t think of perfection like you may see on social media.
    • If you follow any social media traveler account, you know how perfect everything is. If that’s what you’re expecting, don’t expect it. There will definitely be mountains and valleys for sure.
  55. Keep an extra stash of deodorant, toothbrush and toothpaste in the vehicle.
    • These are a big lifesaver when you least expect it. It’s the little things that make all the difference.
  56. If you are traveling by plane, try to keep everything to carryon luggage.
    • This also gives you more control over what you bring and how much space it takes up in your suitcase/backpack. And save time by not having to check in at the airport.
  57. Remember it is about the experiences that you will have.
    • One of the most common mistakes that people make when they start their own adventure lifestyle is to focus too much on the destination. While it’s true that you want to end up somewhere amazing, it is also true that your journey will be more enjoyable if you focus on how you get there.
  58. Keep a log of your travels.
    • This will help you remember. When I first started in this, I was going through some tough life adjustments. By keeping a log, it helped me remember the past things that I have done, gave me new ideas, reminded me of things that I have forgotten. For a period of time, I was going through depression looking back at my list helped get me out the depression.
  59. Don’t spend your money on big souvenirs to keep up with.
    • There is a lot of pressure to buy the big, expensive souvenirs when you travel, but it’s not necessary! You can get small items that are still meaningful and will remind you of your trip for years to come.
  60. Purchase small items, like pressed pennies, stickers, postcards, lapel pins etc.
    • When you are going places, you want to remember them. But do you really need a hat or t-shirt for every place that you have gone? Probably not.
  61. Got kids, don’t use them as an excuse not to do something.
    • I hear this often and I get it. When you take your kids, you are building memories. These memories don’t have to be over the top events. It’s usually the smaller ones that we remember most.
  62. Get out of the mindset I’ll get started later, you are never guaranteed later.
    • Get out of the mindset I’ll get started later. You are never guaranteed tomorrow, or next week, or next year. The only thing that’s guaranteed is that you’re going to die someday. So why not live now? Start with something.
  63. An adventure does not have to be an epic trip to the Teton Mountains or Maui.
    • It can be going on a mile hike to see a waterfall.
  64. Keep your adventures simple.
    • Keeping it simple is the best way to get started. There is nothing wrong with wanting an epic adventure, but you don’t have to wait for one to begin living your life. You can set up a simple trip by yourself and just go on a walk or hike through your local trails. If you’re feeling adventurous, try camping on these trails—even if it’s just for one night. If you want to make things even easier, take a day trip somewhere nearby. The point is that you don’t need an epic adventure to start being more adventurous with your life! As you grow, so will your epic adventures!
  65. Get a seasonal job at a national or state park if you can.
    • Getting a seasonal job at a national or state park is a great way to get started on your own adventure lifestyle. You’ll get to meet cool people and make connections, plus you’ll be able to see the park from a different perspective.
  66. Take up a new hobby or try something new.
    • It’s easy to get stuck in a rut when you’re working the same job day in and day out. But there’s so much more out there for you to explore! It’s time to take the plunge and try something new. Whether it’s learning how to dance, taking up learning a instrument, or learning how to knit, your passion will bring you joy and fulfillment. Many years ago, I worked with a cook that taught himself how to code. It was relaxing to him and now that is what he does for a living.
  67. Don’t get sucked into tv shows or have the need to watch tv.
    • I know it’s hard. I know you like watching tv. And it’s so easy to get caught up in the drama of other people’s lives, but it doesn’t help you get started on your own adventure lifestyle. Focus on what’s important: yourself and your goals and dreams! But it’s time to put down the remote and stop binge-watching that show about the people who are trying to survive the zombie apocalypse. You see, if you want your own adventure lifestyle, you need to spend more time outside of your house and less time inside of your house. And what better way to do that than by cutting out all of those hours spent in front of a screen?
  68. You don’t have to go out and buy all new gear or the latest and greatest.
    • Sure, it might be tempting to just go out and buy everything you need for your adventure. But the truth is, you don’t need a lot of expensive gear to get started. Often, you can find perfectly good used equipment at thrift stores, garage sales, and even second-hand stores like Goodwill. You can also ask friends or family members if they have any extra camping gear lying around their house that they wouldn’t mind parting with. If all else fails, check out Facebook Marketplace—you’d be surprised how much great stuff people are selling! Just be aware of scams out there to be safe. If you’re buying new equipment, there’s no shame in buying second-hand as long as it’s in good condition. You’ll save a lot of money this way, which means more money for other adventures down the road!
  69. Meet up with like minded people.
    • There are many groups on social media that share common interests. You’d be surprised at the ones you may find.
  70. There are many professionals that maintain their careers and adventurous lifestyle.
    • Many professionals find that being flexible with their schedules helps them balance their career and adventurous lifestyle. This can be done by working remotely, or working from home on certain days of the week. It also means being willing to travel at a moment’s notice if needed by your employer or clients.
  71. Museums, sometimes the odd ball ones are the most interesting.
    • There are some strange ones out there. There have been some selfie places that have popped up as well. These can be fun places to go if you let yourself go.
  72. Roadside America and Obscure Atlas are good resources to see what is out there.
    • Visit these websites and you will see random things on he map and you can stop by when you’re traveling.
  73. Take a road trip to the mountains and enjoy the scenery.
    • Road trips are a great way to get to know yourself. They’re also an excellent way to discover your true nature and what you want out of life. The beauty of a road trip is that you don’t have to make any plans or reservations, so you can go where you want and do what you want whenever you want. You can feel free to explore new things and meet new people, or just sit back and enjoy the ride.
  74. Join a book or garden club.
  75. Ask a friend or someone to join you.
    • If you ask enough people, someone is bound to say yes. And even if no one takes you up on the offer, it you are consistent, but not annoying, someone will eventually take you up on the offer. Don’t give up if you hear no’s at first. Just say ok, well let me know whenever you are up to do something.
  76. Try a new place to eat.
    • If you’ve been living in the same town for years, try going out for dinner at a restaurant that isn’t your usual hangout spot. Or skip over to a surrounding area for something new.
  77. Instead of traveling the world physically, travel the world with food.
    • There are times when I just can’t travel for a time period or places that I want to go, but just aren’t budgeted in. Instead of keeping places on my to do list, I try the food locally. As an example, I really want to go to Jamaica, but just haven’t yet. Instead, there is a local place to me where I will go for lunch. Having Jamaican food instead of going there, is better than not going there for one and two when I do go there, I will know what the food may taste like.
  78. If you have a passport, you can always travel to another country.
    • Remember that there are other countries that are still in your time zone and you can visit over a weekend. that might be in the same time zone, if this is feasible. If that’s not an option, try booking a flight that arrives at night, so that you’ll be able to sleep in your new destination—and get adjusted to the new time zone—before having to wake up and start your trip.
  79. Remember that what is an adventure to you, may not be an adventure to others. And guess what that is okay. Everyone is different.
    • Don’t compare yourself to others, embrace who you are and where you’re at in life right now because only YOU can make the most out of it!
  80. Start small then go big.
  81. Go with a group to see if you like something if you’re unsure if you how involved you want to be.
  82. Others will live vicariously through you.
  83. You will inspire others.
  84. Write out your goals and what you want for your adventurous lifestyle.
    • Keep a list and they will stay in your mind without having o think about it.
  85. Be kind and be aware of local customs. This isn’t just for international travel. There are local customs as well.
    • Some places may be more
  86. Know when you are not welcome at a place.
    • Follow your instincts on this one. Yes, we should be able to go places freely, but that is not always the case. Follow your best judgement and be safe.
  87. Follow the laws and rules of where you are at.
    • Please don’t get arrested. It’s a burden on you and others that you know if they bail you out.
  88. Know that it isn’t always about rainbows and sunshine. There will be times when this lifestyle sucks.
  89. If you travel by yourself, even if you are traveling with a pet, remember that it can be lonely.
  90. Know that you aren’t the only one that is leading this lifestyle.
  91. Some people have this lifestyle while having remotes jobs and others are simply weekend warriors. Both are find.
  92. Don’t compare yourself to others, you’re not doing yourself a favor by being jealous.
  93. Don’t let your inner fears get the better of you.
    • Don’t let your inner fears get the better of you. You know what I’m talking about: the fear of failure, the fear of being judged by your friends and family, and yes, even the fear of death. You are not alone in these fears. But they must not be allowed to stop us from pursuing our dreams of having an adventurous lifestyle.
  94. You can be adventurous everyday. Not just while you are doing it.
    • You don’t have to wait for your next big trip to be adventurous. You can be adventurous everyday. Not just while you are doing it. When you think of adventure, what do you see? Is it a mountain, a cave, or a beach? Maybe it’s the city lights at night or the feeling of riding on an airplane. The point is that adventures can take many shapes and forms, so don’t limit yourself by thinking that an adventure has to happen somewhere else or in a certain way. The key to having an adventurous life is celebrating the little things that make you happy: a new discovery, a new experience, or even just taking time for yourself every day.
  95. Obviously for safety, but also because there’s no better way to get people to come join you on your adventure than by telling them about it! Keep a running idea list.
    • Keep a list on your phone or when you are are bored surf the net and search google for new places. It never hurts to ask your friends and fam for ideas. You might be surprised as some of the answers and conversations that you may get.
  96. Use
    • Meetup is a social app that’s used for business topics, networking, and getting together to do things. Check it out.
  97. Having an adventurous lifestyle doesn’t have to be in your personal life only, it can be in your professional as well.
    • What I mean by that, is take risks in your career as well. You can’t get anywhere by doing the same things over and over. Go try something new.
  98. Don’t try to plan everything out, let the adventures flow.
    • You’ve got to be flexible. If you plan everything out, you’ll be disappointed, but everything isn’t going to go according to the plan.
  99. You do you.
    • Not everyone’s adventurous lifestyle is going to be the same. Your interests aren’t going to be the same as others so your life isn’t going to be the same as others. It sounds pretty self explanatory, but sometimes we forget and need a reminder.
  100. An adventurous lifestyle is for introverts too!
    • I’m naturally an introvert and I know it. However, I got tired of wanting to be places and around people but stuck on the sidelines. So I took the plunge and just got started. I’m still an introvert, but now I am able to know when too much is too much interactions and allow myself to recharge.

If you want to move out of the box and stop living a life on the couch, step out of your comfort zone and start living outside of your home. Traveling the world is a dream for many and an unattainable goal for others. Remembr that everyone is going to be different and that everyone starts from zero.

And there is no time like the present.

The world awaits! Let’s go do something incredible!


My articles categorized into 3 areas: adventures, professional, and inspirations.
I also have a few guides:
Goal Setting Guide
Ultimate Guide to Choose the Right eCommerce Platform
Productivity Strategies for Busy Professionals




Cathy Gray

Cathy Gray is a natural adventurer in her personal and professional life. She adapts to overcome while maintaining an infectious laugh that will make you smile.

Professionally, Cathy currently works for an industrial hose and hydraulics company. While she was a green-horn in the hose business, she spearheaded the company’s eCommerce site from the ground up from a blank canvas to live and selling within 6 months. She continues to grow the company’s online and digital presence while increasing sales year over year.