How to Develop a Marketing Plan

How to Develop a Marketing Plan

Developing a marketing plan is essential for meeting business goals. A marketing plan will help you to identify your target market, set goals and objectives, and develop a strategy to reach your target market. Without a marketing plan, it can be difficult to know what steps to take to grow your business.

As a business owner, you know that one of the most important things you can do to grow your company is develop a marketing plan. However, not all business owners are familiar with the process of developing a marketing plan. In this article, we will explore what a marketing plan is and how to create one for your business. We will also provide tips for creating a successful marketing plan.

Creating a marketing plan can be daunting, but it’s important to have one if you want your business to succeed. A well-crafted plan will help you identify your target market, develop and execute marketing campaigns, track results, and make adjustments as needed.

There are a few key steps to creating a successful marketing plan: research your market, develop an effective strategy, create targeted content, and measure results.

What is a marketing strategy?

A marketing strategy is the most important part of a plan. It outlines the steps you will take to build your business.

Without a clear strategy, your efforts may be wasted or you may not get the results that you want.

A further article talks more about marketing strategies.

What Is a Marketing Plan?

A marketing plan is a document that outlines a company’s advertising and marketing goals for the upcoming year. It also includes a budget and a timeline for achieving these goals.

A good marketing plan should be tailored to the specific needs of the company, and it should be reviewed and updated regularly to ensure that it remains relevant.

Why Your Business Needs a Marketing Plan

A marketing plan can help your business in many ways.

First, a detailed plan helps you keep track of the tasks you need to complete and the goals that you want to achieve. When you have a marketing plan, you can easily see where the company stands and what needs to be done to move forward. You will know exactly what your company is spending its money on, and you can make sure that it is being spent in the most effective way possible.

Second, a marketing plan helps you stay focused and on track. When you have a marketing plan that lists the tasks to be completed and the goals to be achieved, it will help you stay on task. Â If you know what needs to be done, you will not waste valuable time trying to figure out what should be done.

Third, a marketing plan helps your company get ahead of the competition. When you know what needs to be done and how you will accomplish it, you can begin planning your marketing strategy. You can then move ahead of the competition by planning a more effective campaign.

Finally, a marketing plan helps an organization stay on track after the initial effort is complete. There is no reason to continue spending money on a marketing strategy if the plan has already been completed. If there is no effective follow-up plan, you will not receive the results that were expected of your campaign.

What Is a Top-Down Marketing Strategy?

A top-down marketing strategy is one that involves a company’s leadership and management team in the planning and implementation of all marketing efforts.

What Is a Bottom-Up Marketing Strategy?

A bottom-up marketing strategy is one in which the company’s marketing team plans and implements individual campaigns without a lot of input from the rest of its management.

In fact, the best marketing efforts often originate in the sales force or inside the company’s service area.

What Is an Integrated Marketing Strategy?

An integrated marketing strategy combines many different types of products or services into one cohesive campaign. One popular example of an integrated marketing strategy is buying a new computer and getting software and accessories bundled with it.

Create a Winning Marketing Plan for Your Business

Creating a marketing plan can help businesses identify the target market, develop and implement effective marketing strategies, and track results. A well-crafted plan can also help you allocate resources effectively and measure progress.

One common mistake businesses make is trying to be all things to all people. Instead, focus on identifying and targeting your specific niche market. 

In order to develop a marketing plan, you will need to gather information about your target market, your competition, and your product or service. Once you have this information, you can begin to create a strategy for reaching your target audience. A well-crafted marketing plan can help you reach your goals and increase sales.

There are a number of tools and resources available to help you develop a plan, such as online planning software or market research services. You should also consider developing a marketing strategy roadmap, which outlines specific steps your business will take to reach its marketing goals.

Once you have completed your planning process, be sure to track results regularly and make modifications as needed.

Marketing Plan Outline

The marketing plan outline provides a framework for you to organize your thoughts and ideas about how to reach your target market.

Executive Summary

In marketing plans, the executive summary is the very first section that you will see. The executive summary of your marketing plan gives an overview of all the details provided in the rest of your plan.

A marketing executive summary includes

  • a description of the company,
  • its products or services,
  • its target market,
  • how it plans to reach that market.
  • Mission statement

It also includes a brief overview of the competition and how the company plans to differentiate its products or services from those of its competitors. 

Situation Analysis: What is your company’s current situation?

In order to create an effective marketing plan, it is important to perform a situation analysis. This includes studying the company’s internal and external environment, as well as its competitors. By assessing the company’s strengths and weaknesses, as well as the opportunities and threats in its environment, it is possible to develop targeted marketing goals and objectives.

Once you have a good understanding of your business and customers, you can start developing marketing strategies that will reach them.

  • What is your company’s target market?
  • What are the major competitors in your market?
  • How does your company plan to reach its target market?
  • What is your marketing philosophy?
  • What is your company’s position on price competition?
  • Compare your company to others with a SWOT analysis
  • Create a buyer persona

Goals and Objectives: What do you want to achieve with your marketing plan?

When creating a marketing plan, it is important to set both short-term and long-term goals and objectives. A short-term goal might be to increase web traffic by 20% in the next three months, while a long-term goal might be to increase market share by 5% in the next five years. Objectives are specific steps that need to be taken in order to achieve a goal. For example, increasing web traffic might require creating more engaging content or increasing online advertising spending.

While setting goals and objectives is important, it is also important to keep them realistic. It’s no use setting a goal to grow sales by 50% if the company’s current market share is only 1%. Likewise, it’s unrealistic to expect that all objectives can be achieved within a short time frame.

  • What specific marketing activities would you like to accomplish?
  • What are the major results of your marketing plan?
  • What measures will you use to evaluate its success?

Strategies and Tactics: How will you achieve your goals and objectives?

Developing strategies and tactics can be a daunting task. There are many factors to consider that it’s easy to become overwhelmed. But with a little bit of planning and some creative thinking, you can come up with a marketing strategy that will help your small business succeed.

Here’s a general list of ways to market:

  • Social media marketing Plan
  • Digital Marketing plan
  • Email Marketing plan
  • Search Engine Marketing
  • Content Marketing Plan
  • Advertising and Promotion Calendars
  • Paid Marketing
  • Referral and Loyalty Programs
  • Product Launches
  • Paid social media
  • Printed marketing material

Budget: How much money will you need to implement your marketing plan?

In order to create a successful marketing plan, you need to be aware of your budget and how much money you can realistically spend on marketing. This means that you’ll need to set priorities and make choices about what’s most important to you and your business.

It’s also important to factor in potential unforeseen expenses, such as hiring freelancers for a project or launching a new advertising campaign that came up abruptly but with good reason. By planning ahead and being mindful of your budget, you can develop a marketing strategy that will help your business grow.

Think about these questions.

  • Budget for each marketing channel?
  • What is the approximate cost of a direct mail campaign vs a digital marketing campaign?
  • How much will it cost to place an ad in one publication?
  • What are you willing to spend on advertising your product or service?
  • What are you willing to spend on research and development?

Marketing Plan Timeline

A timeline is an important part of any marketing plan. It helps you to track your progress, keep on schedule, and ensure that all the tasks in your plan are completed on time. A good timeline should be detailed and specific, outlining when each task will be completed and who is responsible for it.

Some things to answer as you’re thinking about the timeline:

  • Who will be in charge of each step?
  • When does the campaign begin and end?
  • What are the next steps involved in implementing your plan?
  • How long will each step take?
  • When should you expect results?
  • Consider an editorial calendar

Review, Test, and Optimize

Many business owners create a marketing plan, but never take the time to review, test, and optimize it. Without this step, you may not be reaching your target market or getting the most out of your marketing dollars. A marketing plan should be used as a guide and not a set of rules. Make changes as necessary based on your results.

Your plan should not just be an “idea” anymore. IF the goals were not met, then figure out why. What can be done to improve on the tactics that were used. Once this has been figured out, make the changes then review at a later time.


Developing a marketing plan is essential for any business. The process of creating a plan can help business owners focus on their goals and what they need to do to reach them. A well-executed marketing plan can result in business growth, increased profits, and brand awareness.

Once you have a marketing plan in place, you’ll use it to build goals for the next year. This year’s marketing plan will act as a marketing plan template for the next

Cathy Gray

Cathy Gray is a natural adventurer in her personal and professional life. She adapts to overcome while maintaining an infectious laugh that will make you smile.

Professionally, Cathy currently works for an industrial hose and hydraulics company. While she was a green-horn in the hose business, she spearheaded the company’s eCommerce site from the ground up from a blank canvas to live and selling within 6 months. She continues to grow the company’s online and digital presence while increasing sales year over year.


My articles categorized into 3 areas: adventures, professional, and inspirations.
I also have a few guides:
Goal Setting Guide
Ultimate Guide to Choose the Right eCommerce Platform
Productivity Strategies for Busy Professionals




Marketing Strategies

Powerful Marketing Strategies for Business Growth

It’s important to create a successful marketing strategy for your business, big or small. While there are many different strategies that a business can use, none are going to be the same. Marketing strategy is a long-term approach, yet flexible to change as marketing and sales data changes.

With different strategies available, for best practices, choose the right ones for your company. They should be tailored to fit your company, target audience, brand, and products to generate revenue and leads.

What Is a Marketing Strategy?

A marketing strategy is big picture that leads to a well thought plan. It takes into account the company’s strengths and weaknesses, as well as its opportunities and threats in the marketplace.

The main components are market segmentation, target markets, positioning, and the marketing mix.

Market Segmentation

Segmentation is the process of dividing a market into different groups of buyers who might require different products or marketing approaches. A company can divide its market in many ways, including by:

  • demographics (age, gender, income, education)
  • psychographics (lifestyle, values)
  • behavior (purchasing habits, usage rates)
  • business types (b2b or b2c)

Segmentation allows companies to identify and target specific groups of customers who are most likely to buy their products. It also helps them tailor their marketing messages and strategies to better match the needs and desires of these groups. By segmenting their markets, companies can improve their chances of achieving success in the marketplace.

Target Markets

Marketing is all about understanding your customer and delivering the right message to the right person at the right time. It’s important to know your target market so that you can focus your efforts on the people who are most likely to buy your product or service.

There are many different ways to segment and target markets, and the approach you take will depend on your product or service and your overall marketing strategy. Some common ways to target markets include:

Location: You can target customers based on their location, such as by country, region, or city.

Demographics: You can target customers based on their age, gender, income level, education level, etc.

Lifestyle: You can target customers based on their lifestyle interests or values.

Behavior: You can target customers based on their past buying behavior or current needs.

positioning in marketing

Positioning is how you present your product to consumers and how you differentiate it from the competition. It’s used to create a unique selling proposition for your products or services.

Positioning can be done in a number of ways, but the most important thing is that it’s strategic and consistent. You need to stay focused on your target market and what they want or need.

Keep in mind that positioning can change over time, so you need to be flexible and adaptable.

Marketing Mix

In order to create a successful marketing campaign, a business must carefully consider its marketing mix – the combination of product, price, place and promotion. The right mix can attract new customers and keep current ones loyal.

Product is the first element of the mix and refers to the good or service that a company offers. Select a product that meets customer needs and is differentiated from competitors’ products.

Price is another important factor, as it affects how much consumers are willing to pay for a product. A business must find the right balance between setting prices too high or too low.

Place, or distribution, determines how products reach consumers. A business must choose the correct channels for getting its products in front of potential buyers.

Promotion encompasses all activities, from advertising and public relations to direct marketing and social media outreach.

What is the importance of marketing strategy?

It is important to understand your target market. There are many strategies that work to reach your target audience and make them aware of your business.

Marketing strategy is important because it allows a marketing managers to focus on key areas that will have the most impact on its success. A well-developed marketing strategy can help a business to identify and capitalize on new opportunities, while also mitigating potential risks. Additionally, having a clear marketing strategy can help to ensure that all marketing efforts are aligned and working towards the same goal.

It is important for businesses to have a marketing strategy in order to create a plan of action for how they plan for reaching out potential customers. A marketing program businesses allocate their resources more effectively, measure the results of their efforts, and make necessary adjustments along the way.

Without a marketing strategy, businesses may be wasting time and money on ineffective tactics or targeting the wrong consumers.

By taking the time to develop a thoughtful marketing strategy, businesses can set themselves up for success.

What Are Some Marketing Strategy Examples?

One popular marketing method is known as guerrilla marketing. This approach uses unconventional methods to generate awareness for a product or service. Some common tactics include street stunts, flash mobs, and social media campaigns.

Another strategy is called tiered pricing. This tactic involves offering products or services at different price points in order to appeal to a wider range of consumers. For example, a company might offer a lower-priced option for budget-minded shoppers and a more expensive version for those who are willing to pay more.

A third strategy is target marketing. This approach focuses on identifying specific groups of consumers and tailoring messages to appeal to their needs and interests. For instance, a business might target young adults who are just starting out in their careers or retirees who have more free time and are looking for new hobbies.

Is a marketing strategy the same as a marketing plan?

A marketing strategy and marketing plan are not the same, but they go hand in hand. One cannot be compete without the other.

A marketing strategy is a business’s general scheme for developing a customer base for the products or services the business provides. It is a plan of action that outlines how a company will achieve its marketing goals. 

A marketing plan supports the marketing strategy by describing how marketers will execute specific marketing activities to reach target customers. It is a more detailed document that lays out specific steps that will be taken to achieve those goals. 

A good marketing strategy takes into account the company’s overall goals and objectives, as well as its target market and the competition. It should also include an outline of the tactics that will be used to reach consumers, such as advertising, public relations, and direct marketing. 

While a marketing strategy is important for all businesses, it is especially critical for small businesses who may not have the resources to compete with larger companies. A well-crafted marketing strategy can help these businesses level the playing field and even give them an advantage over their larger competitors.

Types of Marketing Strategies

There are so many different types of strategies, like content marketing, digital marketing, email marketing, and social media marketing, but to keep things simple, we are only concentrating on 4 main ones for now.

  • Market Penetration Strategies
  • Product Development Strategies
  • Market Development Strategies
  • Diversification Strategies

Market Penetration Strategy

The market penetration strategy is a business growth strategy in which a company seeks to increase its sales of existing products or services to new markets. This strategy may be used to enter new geographic markets, new customer segments, or new distribution channels. The goal of market penetration is to achieve a high market share for the company’s products or services.

There are several ways to execute a market penetration strategy. A company can offer discounts or promotions on its products or services to attract new customers. It can also invest in marketing and advertising campaigns to raise awareness of its brand and products. Additionally, a company can expand its sales and distribution network to reach more potential customers.

A market penetration strategy can be an effective way for a company to grow its business. However, it is important to carefully consider the potential risks and rewards before implementing this strategy.

Product Development Strategy

Product development strategy is a plan or approach that a company takes to develop new products. This could involve market research, product concept testing, prototyping, and other activities to determine the viability of a new product.

Through proper research and analysis, new products are brought to the marketplace will need to be successful and generate revenue for the company.

Market Development Strategy

In order to expand its business, a company has decided to develop a market development strategy. The main objectives of this strategy are to identify new markets for the company’s products and services, and to develop plans and programs to enter these markets.

To achieve these objectives, the company will first conduct market research to identify potential new markets. Once potential markets have been identified, the company will develop plans and programs to enter these markets. These plans and programs will include activities such as creating marketing materials, developing marketing campaigns, and training sales staff.

The success of the market development strategy will be measured by the company’s ability to enter new markets and achieve growth in sales in those markets.

Diversification Strategy

Diversification is an effective strategy that businesses use to enter new markets or product categories. The goal of diversification is to reduce risk by spreading out the company’s bets across different areas.

When done correctly, diversification can lead to growth and increased profitability.

However, diversifying into too many areas can lead to confusion and a loss of focus. Therefore, it is important for businesses to carefully consider which markets or products to target before embarking on a diversification strategy.

Traditional Media: TV, Radio, Newspapers, Magazines

People have been consuming traditional media for decades. TV, radio, newspapers, and magazines are all examples of traditional media. Each of these forms of media has its own unique benefits and drawbacks. TV is great for watching news, sports, and other live events. Radio is great for listening to the latest music and interviewing celebrities. Newspapers are great for getting the latest news quickly. And magazines are great for reading in-depth stories about a variety of topics.

Other traditional marketing examples are:

  • Brochures
  • Line Cards
  • Advertisements in physical form

Digital Marketing Strategies Media: Websites, Blogs, Social Media

There is no single marketing strategy that will work for every business. Instead, businesses must tailor their strategies to fit their specific needs and goals. Digital marketing is a way of getting your message out to the public through various forms of digital media.

Digital marketing campaigns includes:

  • social media
  • search engine optimization
  • email marketing
  • online advertising.

Digital marketing can be very effective in reaching your target market and building brand loyalty. It can be highly effective especially with marketing automation.

Guerilla Marketing: Creative tactics to stand out

Guerrilla marketing is a creative and inexpensive way to promote your business. It involves using unconventional methods to get your message out there. And it can be a great way to stand out from the competition and attract attention to your business.

Some of the most popular guerrilla marketing tactics include:

  • street art,
  • flash mobs, and
  • viral videos
  • influencer marketing

Use this should be used with caution as it can backfire. You should only use guerrilla marketing if you are confident in your product or service and know what is going to work best for you.

What is included in a marketing strategy?

A marketing strategy is a plan that helps a company achieve its marketing goals. The strategy includes the company’s overall marketing goals, as well as specific tactics for achieving them.

It can also include an analysis of the company’s current situation, its target market, and its competitors

Simple Marketing Strategy

As your building and defining your marketing, stick to one strategy that is going to be the most effective marketing channel.

1. Define your target market.

A target market is a group of individuals or organizations that share common characteristics and to whom a company aims its products or services. A business’s target market is the specific group of consumers most likely to buy its products or services. A company should tailor its marketing mix to attract these consumers and convert them into customers.

What are your customers’ needs and wants? What makes you different from your competitors?

Once you know these things, you can start developing marketing messages that specifically appeal to them. Identify your target market so that you can create a message specifically designed to appeal to them.

2. Research your competition.

It’s important to know who your competition is. This way, you can learn from their successes and failures, and develop strategies to make your business more successful.

Learn as much as you can about what they’re doing and how they’re doing it. 

To research your competition, start by identifying your industry and then searching for companies that offer similar products or services. Once you’ve found a few companies, visit their websites and social media pages to learn more about them. You can also search for news articles and blog posts about the companies to get an idea of their reputation. Finally, try to talk to some customers of the companies to get first-hand feedback.

3. Determine the best way to deliver your message, such as email, social media or print advertising, and how often you should send it.

Write a compelling message that specifically appeals to them. This is the hardest part of any marketing campaign, and it’s what separates those campaigns that succeed from those that fail. 

The best way to determine how to deliver your message is to consider your audience and what platform they are most likely to be using.

  • If your audience is composed of working professionals, email or print advertising may be the best option. You may want to send your message less often so they are not annoyed with too many emails and/or ads.
  • If your audience is composed of millennials, social media may be the best option. The frequency of your messages will also depend on your audience.
  • If you are targeting millennials, you will want to send your message more often so that they see it in their social media feeds.

4. Promote your message to your target market.

You can promote your message to your target market by using various marketing channels.

For example, you can use online advertising, direct mail, or even face-to-face marketing. It is important to select the right mix of marketing channels that will reach your target market most effectively.

5. Test it and Monitor the results of your marketing campaign, and adjust it if necessary.

After launching your marketing campaign, it’s important to test it and monitor the results. This will help you determine whether or not your campaign is successful and if adjustments need to be made.

To do this, you can track things like website traffic, social media engagement, and sales numbers. If you see that your campaign isn’t performing as well as you’d hoped, make changes accordingly.

Specific Marketing Strategies

Inbound Marketing and Outbound Marketing

In the business world, there are two main types of marketing: outbound and inbound. Outbound marketing is the process of reaching out to potential customers through various channels, such as TV ads, radio spots, or print ads. Inbound marketing, on the other hand, relies on attracting customers through content that is published online.

Inbound Marketing

Inbound marketing is a strategy that focuses on drawing customers in through interesting and valuable content instead of traditional advertising methods like commercials and spam. It attracts customers by providing quality content that is relevant to their interests. This can be done through blog posts, social media, email newsletters, and other forms of online content. When done correctly, inbound marketing can create a strong connection with potential customers and convert them into loyal followers.

What is Outbound Marketing

Outbound marketing is a type of marketing that involves the proactive pursuit of potential customers, rather than waiting for them to come to you.

This can involve things like:

advertising, cold-calling, email marketing, and other forms of outreach.

The goal of outbound marketing is to generate leads and drive sales.

Inbound Marketing VS Outbound Marketing

There are pros and cons to each.

Outbound marketing can be expensive and often requires a lot of lead time to produce results. However, it can be very effective at reaching a large number of people quickly. Harder to track

Inbound marketing is less expensive and can be more targeted than outbound marketing, but it takes longer to produce results. Easier to track.

Email Marketing for your business

Email Marketing is especially effective to reach customers and promote your business. It can be used to cultivate relationships with current and potential customers, and keep them updated on your latest products, services, or promotions.

There are a number of ways to use email marketing to benefit your business. You can create an email newsletter and send it out regularly, or send individual emails as needed. You can also create targeted email campaigns based on customer demographics or past behavior.

When creating your email marketing strategy, be sure to consider what you want to achieve. Do you want to increase sales, encourage brand loyalty, or simply keep customers informed? Once you know what you want to achieve, you can create content that will help you reach your goals.

To grow your email list, create a plan for reaching prospective consumers and get them to sign up.

SEO Marketing

SEO, or search engine optimization, is a marketing strategy that can be used to improve site visibility and organic search results. While SEO can be a complex process, this strategy requires keywords and data for to grow your business and is essential for any online marketing strategy. 

Of course it’s important to get your website to the top of the SERPs. The closer a page is to the top, the more likely the page with get click and a visit to the website.

There are many techniques or tactics that can be used as part of an SEO campaign, such as:

  • Optimizing titles, metatags, and anchor text,
  • Creating quality content
  • Building links for authority.

With a successful SEO Marketing Campaign, your potential customers find your business easily when they search.

Content Marketing

Use content marketing strategy to create and distribute valuable, high-quality information that helps your target audience solve problems or get answers.

This can include things like creating an FAQ page on your website or creating a blog where you answer common questions about the business.

Social Media Marketing

Social media marketing has become an essential tool for many businesses. Social media channels like Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn offer unique opportunities to connect with customers and promote your products or services.

But social media can be a lot more than just a marketing channel. It can also be a great way to learn about your customers, their needs and preferences, and how they interact with your brand.

There are many social media platforms to choose from and range in popularity and usage.

The goal of a social media campaign is to increase brand awareness and develop loyalty through word-of-mouth marketing.

Cathy Gray

Cathy Gray is a natural adventurer in her personal and professional life. She adapts to overcome while maintaining an infectious laugh that will make you smile.

Professionally, Cathy currently works for an industrial hose and hydraulics company. While she was a green-horn in the hose business, she spearheaded the company’s eCommerce site from the ground up from a blank canvas to live and selling within 6 months. She continues to grow the company’s online and digital presence while increasing sales year over year.


My articles categorized into 3 areas: adventures, professional, and inspirations.
I also have a few guides:
Goal Setting Guide
Ultimate Guide to Choose the Right eCommerce Platform
Productivity Strategies for Busy Professionals




Migrating a Website from One Platform to Another

Migrating a Website from One Platform to Another

Migrating your site is not a decision to be taken lightly. In the past when I’ve needed to move a website to a new platform, I’ve always felt quite anxious about it. There has been so much that I have needed to consider, such as making sure that I check off all the little details.

Whether you’re moving away from your existing platform because of technical issues, cost or frustration, or whether you’re just fresh out the gate with a new project and want to host it on a different platform, there are things you should do before migrating.

Any good website building platform today will have made it easy to migrate your site from one platform to another, with their built-in tools and support.

That said, there are still some things you should do before you get started.

The Backup Plan

Backup the current website. A local one is better than a remote one because it’s easier to manage and restore in case of emergency. Local backups are good since it won’t take up much space on your computer but still allows access in case something goes wrong with your online storage account.

Make sure all files are in place. Don’t forget anything like images or CSS files that might be required for the new site. Some platforms may require specific file extensions so make sure you check them out beforehand.

Replicating Your Website’s Design

All website builders have different capabilities and how they are structured on the back. With this is mind, it makes it rare that the designs will be 100% the same from one platform to another.

However, is this a good opportunity to do a website redesign to bring some new life to your regular visitors.

Moving Content

Depending on the platforms you are moving from and to, you may be able to transfer the content with available extensions or plugins. This can be done if you are migrating from popular platforms like, WordPress, Shopify, Squarespace, and a few others that I personally know of.

If you are working between less popular platforms, this may be a more manual process unfortunately.

With images, I highly recommend knowing what the default image sizes are for the new website. Then resizes the existing images before uploading to the new website. I also highly recommend uploading the images at one time, so there is less time uploading in batches.

Product Data if eCommerce

If you are transferring an eCommerce website, you should be able to transfer the data with the help of Excel or other spreadsheet software. You may need to change or sync the headers between the platforms, so make sure that you are well researched and versed in this process to minimize mistakes.

The process of exporting and importing products will differ, but it’s fairly straightforward.

  • Export existing product data.
  • Reconfigure or map the header fields to match the new platforms parameters.
  • Then import the new file into the new platform.

Obviously check and test the data to make sure the products transferred correctly. And also do a small test before transferring the entire product catalog. It’s easier to fix a mistake on a few products vs thousands.

Product data transfers can be daunting, but it doesn’t have to be complicated.

SEO Considerations

Any change in platform and/or site migrations is going to cause some sort of change in rankings. So keep this in mind. In fact, it’s not uncommon to see a drop in a site’s rankings. Search engines are learning and determining the new structure, so have patience and give it some time.

There are some things to do to make sure the ranking drops are minimal and the transition is as smooth as possible.

  • Set up redirects to make search engines aware of the changes.
  • Submit the new sitemap.
  • Make sure previous SEO optimizations are carried over in the meta data.

By doing these, you make sure you pass your pass along the authority that your website had to your new site.

Avoid Broken Links

Make sure that every page and file from your current version of the website is present in the new one as well.

Programs like Screaming Frog SEO Spider analyze all the static pages and files at once and generate a report with all those that aren’t available in the new version of your website yet.

Minimize Downtime

Test the migration process before running it live.

Install Google Analytics on both versions of your sites, old and new, so you can compare their traffic statistics after migration takes place. This way you’ll be able to see how many visitors have come from Google Search Console (if you use it), social media networks, etc., and how many of them have actually converted into paying customers or subscribers on your site.

Maintaining Records

When you are transferring a website to another host, it is important to maintain records of the hostname and IP address of the host server.

This allows you to easily point your domain name at the new host and maintain business continuity for your visitors.

There will more than likely be other records to keep depending on how the DNS records are done. Each website’s records may vary.

As a business owner, you must have a solid plan in place before embarking on migrating to another web-hosting platform. The more prepared you are the less downtime you will experience with a smoother transition.


My articles categorized into 3 areas: adventures, professional, and inspirations.
I also have a few guides:
Goal Setting Guide
Ultimate Guide to Choose the Right eCommerce Platform
Productivity Strategies for Busy Professionals




Cathy Gray

Cathy Gray is a natural adventurer in her personal and professional life. She adapts to overcome while maintaining an infectious laugh that will make you smile.

Professionally, Cathy currently works for an industrial hose and hydraulics company. While she was a green-horn in the hose business, she spearheaded the company’s eCommerce site from the ground up from a blank canvas to live and selling within 6 months. She continues to grow the company’s online and digital presence while increasing sales year over year.

Marketing Basics

Marketing Basics

Marketing Basics Price Product Promotion And Place

4 P’s of Marketing

On a simple level basic marketing revolves around four elements: product, price, promotion, and place.

Now marketing tactics and channels may and will change, but they are the concepts everything else revolves around. Product, price, promotion, and price are principles that will not change.

Some models expand the 4 basic principles as 7 P’s or another variations. For simplicity, we’ll just refer to these four as it’s plenty to understand how marketing works.

As the example throughout the rest of the article, a kayak manufacturer will be used.


This is what a business sells, either a physical item, a service, or both. From a marketing perspective, the following will need to be determined:

How many different product variations or product lines should be sold? 

Our kayak manufacturer may have determined what kayak options they would bring to the market. Some variations may include: single or tandem (for two people), sit in or sit on, use of the kayak like fishing, rapids, seafaring. Colors, lengths and accessories can also fit into this category.

How should the product or service be packaged or presented?

Perhaps the manufacturer wants to market their kayaks for everyday families. So they make their marketing material relevant to families. While kayaks are generally long, they may have a specialty line for inflatable kayaks.

As a service, they may also offer credits for their customers if they want to upgrade their kayak and offer the returned kayaks as a demo for a more affordable price.

How will it be serviced? 

The kayak manufacturer may have a warranty or satisfaction policy. They may also have an extensive website with detailed information on their kayaks and other products to allow their customers to understand every aspect of their kayak or accessories.

Sometimes marketers might have involvement in products are design and which features are included based on their market research.


A product’s or service’s price isn’t just “how much stuff costs”. There is more to think about than that.

If marketing is all about driving profitable action, then prices need to be set at a level the market will support.

Here are some marketing considerations with prices that the kayak company will need to consider:

What is the market rate per unit of a product? 

Pricing policies requires market analysis and competitive research to determine what is a fair price for a product while considering production costs and what consumers are willing to pay. If the kayak is sold at high prices, does it match with its perceived value

How should discounts be applied and timed? 

The kayak manufacturer may have promotional activities and/or promotional pricing for its partnered retailers. Should the product be put on sale at certain times of year?

Does it make sense to give customers options for payments? 

A retailer for the kayak may offer financing options through their website with the help of 3rd party payment processors or other payment plans.

However the kayaks and accessories are priced, as long as they are at the right price for the customer needs, they will be purchased.


If a product is launched but no one sees it, does it exist? Technically it does, but only taking up space.

If there is a new kayak design or accessory, it needs to be marketed so customers know it exists.

Which channels will be used to promote the product? 

A marketing channel the way the product or service is being marketed from the start at the company to end at the intended consumer.

This includes online and offline channels.

Some examples of traditional marketing include: print, television, and radio. For our kayak company, television or radio may not be optimal, but printed brochures or promotional displays at outdoor fitters may work instead.

Where will it be promoted? 

Online promotions include social media and Google Ads for example, but are not limited to these. Offline promotions include the traditional marketing tactics that were previously discussed. It also includes in stores promoting and at relevant events.

What message needs to be communicated? 

The text, images, and imagery that is used will to tell the audience what the product is all about, and encourage them to buy it.

Some examples of the promotion strategies may include, email marketing, content marketing, or advertising with local groups that have active families.


The right product needs to be in the right place for customers to find it and purchase it.

Where is the product distributed? 

Online then shipped or sold in retail locations.

As far as retail locations, will it be big box, like Cabela’s or Academy Sports.

Will specific locations get the product? 

For example, the kayaks wouldn’t be sold in areas that are typically frozen year round. That wouldn’t make sense at all and would be a complete waste of time, money, and resources.


The marketing mix and the 4 P’s of marketing has been around since the 1950’s and has been updated and modified.

At it’s basic form, product, price, promotion and place will get any marketing strategy started and running smoothly.

Measuring SEO

Measuring SEO

If you’ve had a website for quite sometime or have a fresh site, you will need to first gather data.

Some of the data that you want to track include

  • Traffic 
  • Most popular pages
  • Time a user stays on your website and pages 
  • Bounce rate
  • CTR
  • Traffic sources 

How to gather kpis on my site?

Website Measuring

  • Number of visits
    • Sessions vs unique visitors (users)
    • New vs Returning
    • Track trends
  • Traffic Sources – where are they coming from
    • Organic – Traffic generated by relevant keywords and/or your business name
    • Referrals – Traffic that comes to your site through websites that link to your site
    • Direct – Traffic generated by those who type your exact URL into their browser
    • Email Marketing – Traffic generated by links in email marketing campaigns
    • Paid Traffic – Traffic generated by PPC search engine ads, retargeting ads, etc.
    • Social Media – Traffic that comes to your site through social network links or ads.
  • Bounce rate (visit site and leaves, doesn’t go to another page) and Average Session Time (how long long on site)
  • Conversion Rate (user activity)
    • Downloading a case, request a quote etc