Ultimate Dog Camping Gear To Go Camping With Dogs for Beginners

Are you ready to hit the great outdoors with your 4 legged best friend? Camping with dogs can be a wonderful and bonding experience, but it requires some preparation and planning. You want to make sure that your dog is comfortable, safe, and happy during your camping adventure. That’s why having the right dog camping gear is essential.

From comfortable dog beds to waterproof jackets, portable water bottles to GPS tracking devices, there are many items that you can bring along on your camping trip to ensure that both you and your pup have an enjoyable time in nature. Whether you’re planning a day trip or an overnight stay, having the right gear can make all the difference when it comes to enjoying your time in the wilderness with your four-legged companion. So let’s dive into some of the must-have dog camping gear for any outdoor adventure! 

Dog Camping Gear Essentials

Bare Minimum List

  • Essential dog camping gear includes a cozy dog bed, sturdy leash and collar, portable water bottles, food supplies, and a first aid kit.
  • Clean-up supplies for responsible dog ownership in the great outdoors include biodegradable poop bags and a trowel for burying solid waste.
  • Responsible pet ownership includes respecting the environment and following Leave No Trace principles.

The Essentials List

1. Dog Tent or Shelter: A portable shelter that provides your dog with a comfortable and safe place to sleep.

2. Sleeping Bag or Pad: A comfortable and warm sleeping pad or bag to keep your dog cozy and comfortable.

3. Collapsible Bowls: Collapsible bowls are easy to pack and can be used for food and water.

4. Dog Leash: A sturdy leash to keep your dog safe and close by while camping.

5. Dog Backpack: A backpack designed to carry dog food, water, and other essentials.

6. First Aid Kit: A first aid kit with supplies for your dog’s specific needs.

7. Tick and Flea Protection: Tick and flea collars or treatments to keep your dog safe from pests.

8. Paw Protection: Booties or paw wax to protect your dog’s paws from rough terrain and hot surfaces.

9. Portable Water Filter: A portable water filter to ensure your dog has access to clean drinking water.

10. Reflective Gear: Reflective collars, vests, or leashes to keep your dog visible in low light situations.

The Importance of Comfortable Dog Beds for Camping

If you want your pup to sleep soundly on your camping trip, it’s crucial to pack a cozy dog bed. Choosing the right bedding for your furry friend is essential for their comfort and well-being. Look for beds that provide ample cushioning and support, as well as insulation to keep them warm during chilly nights.

Ensuring warmth and comfort is especially important if you plan on camping in colder temperatures. Consider purchasing a bed with built-in heating elements or bringing along extra blankets to layer up. It’s also vital to choose a bed that fits properly in your tent or camper, providing enough space for both you and your furry companion.

Proper sizing and support are key factors when selecting the best dog bed for camping. A too-small bed can leave your pup feeling cramped and uncomfortable, while a too-large one may not provide enough support for their joints. Look for models that cater specifically to dogs of different sizes and breeds, which offer ample space combined with ergonomic design features.

As you prepare for outdoor adventures with your furry friend, don’t forget about safety! Up next, we’ll discuss leashes and collars designed to keep dogs secure during hikes, walks, and other outdoor activities.

Leashes and Collars for Safety During Outdoor Adventures

You absolutely need to have a sturdy leash and collar when you’re out exploring the great outdoors with your furry companion. Here are three reasons why comfortable harnesses, reflective gear, and training collars are essential for outdoor adventures and camping with your dog:

1. Comfortable harnesses: Traditional collars can put unnecessary pressure on your dog’s neck, especially if they pull or lunge while on a walk. A comfortable harness distributes pressure more evenly across their chest and back, reducing the risk of injury.

2. Reflective gear: When you’re hiking or camping in remote areas, it’s important to keep your dog visible at all times. Reflective gear such as collars, leashes, and vests will help drivers or other hikers spot them from afar.

3. Training collars: Even well-behaved dogs may get excited when they encounter new sights and smells in the great outdoors. Training collars can help reinforce good behavior by emitting a gentle vibration or tone that catches their attention without causing harm.

Don’t overlook the importance of investing in quality leashes and collars before embarking on any outdoor adventure with your furry friend! Up next we’ll talk about waterproof and durable dog jackets for inclement weather – because even our four-legged friends need protection from the elements sometimes.

Waterproof and Durable Dog Jackets for Inclement Weather

When it starts pouring on your outdoor adventure, don’t let the weather dampen your spirits – keep your furry friend warm and dry with a waterproof and durable jacket. The best dog jackets for camping in inclement weather are made with breathable materials to prevent overheating and reflective accents to enhance visibility during low-light conditions. Additionally, these jackets come in multiple sizes to ensure a perfect fit for dogs of all breeds.

When selecting a dog jacket for camping, it’s important to consider whether you need water-resistant or waterproof material. Water-resistant jackets will repel light rain and moisture but won’t hold up against heavy downpours. On the other hand, waterproof jackets are designed to keep dogs completely dry during extended periods of rain or snow. Be sure to choose the type of jacket that matches your outdoor activities.

Layering is another option when it comes to keeping your dog comfortable and protected against winter weather while camping. Pairing a dog jacket with other gear like booties or sweaters can create an ultimate barrier from harsh elements. Ensure that each layer fits properly without restricting movement so that your canine companion can move freely while staying warm and dry.

To make sure that your furry friend stays hydrated on long hikes or camping trips, portable bowls and water bottles for dogs are essential items to pack next. Keep reading about how these products can make all the difference in keeping your pup healthy and happy during outdoor adventures!

Portable Dog Bowls and Water Bottles for Hydration

Quench your pup’s thirst on the go with these handy hydration accessories – they’re a lifesaver for any outdoor adventure! Portable dog bowls and collapsible water bottles are essential items to pack when camping with your furry friend. These hydration accessories are lightweight, easy to carry, and take up minimal space in your backpack.

A portable dog bowl is an excellent option for providing your pup with food and water while you’re out on the trails. They come in various sizes and materials such as silicone or nylon, making them durable and easy to clean. Collapsible water bottles are also a fantastic choice because they can be compressed into a small size when not in use. It’s crucial to ensure that your furry friend stays hydrated during outdoor activities, especially during the hotter months of the year.

Hydration accessories should always be at the top of your list when packing for a camping trip with your furry companion. Whether it’s a portable dog bowl or a collapsible water bottle, they’re essential items that will keep your pup healthy and happy throughout your adventure. Next up, we’ll talk about first aid kits for emergencies in the wilderness – another crucial item to have on hand when exploring the great outdoors with your furry buddy!

First Aid Kits for Emergencies in the Wilderness

A must-have for any outdoor excursion is a first aid kit, which can be a lifesaver in case of emergencies. When camping with dogs, it’s essential to have a well-stocked wilderness first aid kit that includes items specifically designed for pets. Here are three things to include in your dog-friendly first aid kit:

  • Pet-specific medications: Just like humans, dogs can suffer from allergies or other chronic conditions that require medication. Make sure to pack any necessary prescriptions and over-the-counter medications recommended by your vet.
  • Tick removal tool: Ticks are common in wooded areas and can carry diseases like Lyme disease. A tick removal tool is an essential item to have on hand in case your dog gets bitten.
  • Emergency blanket: In the event of an injury or shock, keeping your dog warm and comfortable is crucial. An emergency blanket will help regulate their body temperature and prevent hypothermia.

Being prepared with a well-stocked wilderness first aid kit is critical for outdoor safety when camping with dogs. It’s also important to familiarize yourself with basic emergency response techniques before heading out into the wilderness.

As much as we would love our outdoor excursions to go off without a hitch, emergencies can happen at any time. By packing a comprehensive wilderness first aid kit for you and your furry friend, you’ll be better equipped to handle any situation that may arise during your trip. Next up, let’s talk about how to keep those pesky insects at bay with dog-friendly insect repellent!

Dog-Friendly Insect Repellent to Prevent Bites and Stings

After ensuring that you have a first aid kit for emergencies during your camping trip, it’s time to think about keeping your dog safe from insect bites and stings. Natural options for insect repellent are becoming more popular, especially among pet owners who want to avoid using harsh chemicals on their furry friends. Do some research to find out which natural ingredients are effective in repelling insects and which ones are safe for dogs.

When selecting a dog-friendly insect repellent, consider the application method. Some sprays can be too strong or difficult to apply evenly on fur. You may also want to test a small amount of the repellent on your dog before using it extensively, just in case they have an allergic reaction. Knowing how often to reapply the product is also important, as some natural options may need more frequent application than chemical-based products.

Preventing tick bites is another concern when camping with dogs. Ticks can carry diseases that affect both humans and pets alike, so taking preventative measures is crucial. Tips and tricks like checking your dog thoroughly for ticks after every walk or hike can help reduce the risk of disease transmission. Additionally, alternative solutions like homemade insect repellents made from essential oils can be effective in repelling ticks without exposing your pet to harmful chemicals.

Toys and treats can keep your dog entertained on the trail while you’re setting up camp or preparing meals.

Toys and Treats to Keep Your Dog Entertained on the Trail

Don’t forget to pack some fun toys and tasty treats to keep your furry companion entertained and happy while exploring the great outdoors! Chew toys are a great option for dogs who love to gnaw on things, especially during downtime at camp. There are many durable chew toys available that can stand up to even the most aggressive chewers. Puzzle toys are another way to keep your dog’s mind engaged while camping. These types of toys require your pup to work out how to get a treat or toy out of a container, keeping them occupied for longer stretches of time.

Training treats are an essential item for any dog owner going camping with their pet. Not only do they reward good behavior, but they also help you reinforce good habits in new environments. Choose treats that are small and easy to carry, as well as ones that won’t spoil quickly in warmer temperatures. Freeze-dried meat snacks or dehydrated fruits make excellent options for training rewards while camping.

Remember that packing toys and treats is not just about keeping your dog entertained; it’s also about providing comfort in unfamiliar surroundings. Bringing along familiar items from home can help ease anxiety and stress for dogs who may be unsure about their new surroundings. So don’t forget to pack plenty of playthings when heading into the wilderness with your four-legged friend!

As you prepare for your adventure into the great outdoors with your furry companion, consider investing in a GPS tracking device for peace of mind. Knowing where your dog is at all times can give you the freedom to let them explore while still keeping tabs on their whereabouts. With this technology, you’ll never have to worry about losing track of your pup again!

GPS Tracking Devices for Peace of Mind

Investing in a GPS tracking device can provide peace of mind while exploring the great outdoors with your furry companion. You never know when your dog might run off or get lost, and a GPS tracker can help you quickly locate them. There are many benefits to using a GPS tracking device, such as improved safety and security for your pet.

When it comes to GPS tracking devices for dogs, there are several options available on the market. Some popular devices include the Whistle Go Explore and the Garmin Astro 430. These devices offer real-time location tracking, activity monitoring, and even temperature alerts. It’s important to consider factors like battery life, range, and durability when choosing a device that suits your needs.

While GPS tracking devices can provide peace of mind while camping with your dog, it’s still important to take safety precautions. Always make sure your dog has proper identification tags on their collar and keep them leashed when necessary. Additionally, it’s a good idea to familiarize yourself with the area you’ll be camping in beforehand so you’re aware of any potential hazards or areas where your dog could wander off.

Now that you have peace of mind knowing that you have a reliable way to track your furry friend while out in nature, let’s talk about making sure they’re comfortable during overnight trips with dog-friendly tents and sleeping bags!

Dog-Friendly Tents and Sleeping Bags for Overnight Camping

Make sure you and your furry companion have a comfortable place to rest at night while exploring the great outdoors with these dog-friendly tents and sleeping bags. Choosing the right camping gear for your dog is crucial in ensuring that both of you enjoy your adventure. It’s essential to pick a tent that is spacious enough for your pet to move around comfortably, but also easy to set up and pack away.

When it comes to choosing between dog tents vs human tents, consider the size of your furry friend. Dog-specific tents are designed with extra ventilation and durability, making them perfect for outdoor use. They come in different sizes, so make sure you choose one that fits your pooch comfortably. However, if you prefer using a human tent, ensure it has enough space for both you and your dog without compromising on comfort.

Sleeping bags are also an essential part of any camping trip, even for dogs! Sleeping bags designed for humans don’t always work well for pets as they can be too restrictive or may not provide enough insulation during colder nights. Look out for sleeping bags made specifically for dogs by size – small, medium or large – to ensure maximum comfort throughout the night. If it’s your pet’s first time camping gear introduction, let them sniff around their new space before settling in.

As important as choosing the right gear is introducing it properly to ensure that both you and your furry friend feel comfortable using it. Before heading out camping with your pet, introduce them slowly to their new items such as sleeping bags or tents so they can familiarize themselves with what will be expected of them when spending nights under the stars alongside their owners.

Now that you know how to select the best camping gear for your dog let’s talk about another critical aspect responsible pet ownership: clean-up supplies in nature!

Clean-Up Supplies for Responsible Dog Ownership in the Great Outdoors

Now that you’ve got your dog-friendly tent and sleeping bag, it’s time to think about responsible dog ownership in the great outdoors. As much as we love our furry companions, they can leave a mess behind if not properly managed. That’s why it’s important to pack clean-up supplies when camping with dogs.

First on the list is dog waste management. You’ll want to bring biodegradable poop bags and a trowel for burying solid waste at least 200 feet away from water sources or campsites. It’s also important to follow Leave No Trace principles and pack out any used bags.

Secondly, consider paw protection for your pup. Sharp rocks, hot pavement, and cold terrain can all be tough on their paws. Booties or paw wax can help protect sensitive paw pads from injury or discomfort.

Lastly, training aids such as long leads or tie-outs can help keep your dog close by while giving them some freedom to explore without wandering too far away from camp. This will give you peace of mind knowing they are safe while allowing them some off-leash time in a controlled environment.

With these important gear items in tow, you’ll be well-equipped for a successful camping trip with your furry friend. Remember that being a responsible pet owner means taking care of their needs and respecting the natural environment around us. Happy trails!

Frequently Asked Questions

Are there any restrictions on camping with dogs in certain areas?

Do you know if the location you plan to camp allows dogs? Check online for dog-friendly camping locations and leash laws. Research hiking trails that welcome dogs, and pack accordingly with dog camping gear.

How can I prepare my dog for camping and outdoor activities?

Before heading out with your dog, ensure they are well trained for outdoor activities. Pack dog camping essentials like a leash, food and water bowls, and a canine first aid kit. With preparation, you can enjoy the freedom of the great outdoors together.

What should I do if my dog gets injured on a camping trip?

“Remember, accidents happen. Your priority is to assess the injury and act quickly. Use your first aid kit and emergency plan while contacting your veterinarian for guidance. Stay calm, be prepared, and keep your furry friend safe.” ‘With your quick and efficient response, you can prevent the situation from worsening and ensure that your pet receives the appropriate medical attention.’

What are some tips for keeping my dog safe from wildlife while camping?

When camping with your furry friend, outdoor training is key to keeping them safe from wildlife. Protective gear can also help, but leash training is the best defense against unexpected encounters. Stay alert and enjoy the freedom of the outdoors!

How do I properly dispose of waste when camping with my dog?

When camping with your dog, it’s important to properly dispose of waste. Did you know that a single plastic bag can take up to 1,000 years to decompose? Opt for eco-friendly options like biodegradable disposal bags or products instead.


Congratulations on making the decision to take your furry friend camping! With the right gear, you and your dog can have a safe and enjoyable adventure in the great outdoors. Remember, comfort is key when it comes to camping with dogs. Make sure you bring along a comfortable bed for your pup to rest on after a long day of hiking.

Safety should also be a top priority. Keep your dog on a leash at all times and make sure they have proper identification in case they get lost. Don’t forget essentials like waterproof jackets, portable bowls for hydration, and first aid kits for emergencies. And of course, don’t forget toys and treats to keep your furry friend entertained!

By taking the time to properly prepare for your camping trip with your dog, you’ll create lasting memories that you both will cherish forever. So pack up that tent, grab some snacks and hit the trails – adventure awaits!

Q: What is dog camping?

A: Dog camping is when you go camping or hiking with your dog.

Q: What camping gear do I need to bring for my dog?

A: You will need a dog camping bed, dog harness, approach dog pack, dog first aid kit, dog poop bags, and dog bowl.

Q: What is Ruffwear?

A: Ruffwear is a company specializing in making dog gear for outdoor activities like camping, hiking, and backpacking.

Q: What is the best camping gear for dogs?

A: The best camping gear for dogs includes Ruffwear’s highlands dog sleeping bag, highlands dog pad, approach dog pack, and grip trex boots.

Q: Why do I need a harness for my dog?

A: A harness ensures your dog’s safety and comfort during outdoor activities. It also prevents your dog from pulling on a leash and causing injury.

Q: Can I bring my dog camping at any campground?

A: Not all campgrounds allow pets, so make sure to check with the campground before you book your trip.

Q: How can I ensure my dog has the best life while camping?

A: You can give your dog the best camping experience by providing everything they need, including the right gear, food, water, and shelter. Make sure to also take your dog’s safety into consideration.

Q: What should I do if my dog gets injured while camping?

A: Make sure to bring a dog first aid kit and consult with a veterinarian if your dog gets injured or shows signs of illness.

Q: How do I make sure my dog stays warm in the tent?

A: You can provide your dog with a Ruffwear highlands dog sleeping bag and highlands dog pad inside the tent.

Q: Can I go camping with my dog even if I’m a beginner?

A: Yes, you can go camping with your dog even if you’re a beginner. Just make sure to bring the right gear and plan accordingly.


Camping gear in general can easily get out of hand with expenses and the shear amount of camping supplies. This also applies to getting your dog’s camping gear too. I’m guilty of both.

Remember that what you get for your dog on trips, you will have to carry along with your gear. As much as you want to ensure your pups comfort, just being with you is comforting to them, so don’t over load yourself. Dogs love being around you and that’s all that matters to them.

Dog Camping Gear Checklist

Just a list of camping gear for your dog or dogs.

  • Dog food
  • Dog food storage
  • Dog bed or pad
  • Water and food dish
  • Leash, collar, harness
  • Tie out
  • Dog backpack (for them)
  • Waste bags
  • Cooling pad (summer or hotter spring and fall days)
  • Clothes (if winter and if they are shorter hair)
  • Emergency kit – tick remover etc

Take Your Dog Camping With You

You’re bound to find many articles that will suggest the best dog camping gear. They are the best for a reason, but alternatives also exist. It seems like when you do your research, reviews suggest the top of the line. There’s nothing wrong with these recommendations, but for me it doesn’t make logical sense to spend $30 and up for one dog bowl when a $10 or less will be just as good. I like to stay practical and budget friendly, for me and my dog.

Whether you’re beginning to take your pup with you or are thinking about it, I’m not here to bombard you with the best camping gear for dogs, just the most practical gear you’ll actually use, and the gear that Sam and I have used on our camping adventures.

Start with basic camping dog gear and build from there when you’re ready.

Camping Gear for Dogs

In my compiled list, the ones that have an asterik ( * ), are what I consider the bare minimum to take. Many of the items on the list, are useful, but you don’t have to buy them. You can also utilize things that you may already have.

Dog Food*

For Sam, when we are somewhere new it takes him a few days to get use to the new surroundings. He typically eats dry food, but I have added wet food to his meals more tempting. The extra wet food provides the necessary calories that he has consumed throughout the day on hikes and during other activities.

We haven’t gone on a backpacking trip that lasted for more than one night so the weight hasn’t been an issue yet. When we go on a longer trips, I’ll definitely get dehydrated dog food for a much lighter load and leftover garbage weight.

Dog Food Storage*

There are many special camping dog food storage kits out there and vary in price range. I’ve always brought his everyday dog food in grocery bags or zip lock bags.

I was looking at the different storage containers, but as an alternative, I’m considering buying a pack of dry bags and using them for his food. Dry bag packs typically come in a range of sizes and should do a good job at keeping ants out and the dog food smell in. I already have so many bags it’s almost an obsession and I need to be certain that it would be used.

Collapsible Food and Water Bowls*

I use collapsible bowls and have backup of backups. In a pinch I have used plastic containers as well. When Sam and I are hiking, these will go into his pack to carry.

There are typically two types of dog bowls, silicone and water proof fabric. Both are great and packable.

Which one is better? It depends on your preference.

I have both styles and don’t have a preference with one over the other and neither does Sam. They both get used.


A harness is much better than a collar. In my experience, There have been a few times where an unleashed dog has came around the corner and I have had to grab Sam, He has no neck neck and the collar and leash slipped off. With a harness, I am able to grab him much easier. When we went to Falls Creek Falls in Tennessee, we did some bouldering. He could get down to the falls, but getting up was a bit difficult. With his harness, I could easily pull him up. Mind you he weights about 65 pounds and the dog harness distributes his weight much better in situations like this. 

Leash and Tether*

This is a big one. A tree runner is a great way to keep your pup in his own area so they don’t get in the way. I brought a tether but he kept getting wrapped around. I am currently waiting on a tree runner in the mail and will see how that works. I’m sure a lot better.

Waste Bags and Storage*

I recently got a 3 pack that can easily attach to his hiking leash. It’s made from a more durable material vs the plastic ones. It Velcro’s on his leash and the pouch can carry a few small things as well.

Dog Water Bottle

A water bottle for your dog isn’t necessary, but they are very convenient and easier to use. Your dog doesn’t care how they get their water when they are thirsty. This is strictly a dog owner must have and will make your life so much better.

Before I had Sam, I had a Standard Poodle named Sake, and I swore by the water bottle. After her passing, I donated most of her things and forgot about the water bottle. After the first year of camping and hiking with Sam, I purchased another one and asked myself why I didn’t get one before.

Dog Treats

As Sam gets older, treats tend to give him extreme gas so I tend not to do too many treats on nonadventure days. When we do go camping, I’ll give him a small bone or rawhide to occupy himself with. He also gets the leftovers that I won’t eat. My thought is we are outside so if he farts a lot it’s outside and dissipates and it’s less garbage to take out. I try to limit our trash in general.

Dog Bed

Many will bring a bed which is fine, but typically I’ll just bring a fleece blanket just for Sam. It’s less that I have to carry and it takes up less space. Plus, he knows that is his place when we are out. I typically have one in the car unless I’m washing it and forget to store it there. Otherwise, I’ll use a towel.

On a recent weekend backpacking overnight trip, I brought a rolled up fleece blanket that I carried and Sam knew that was his place when we gathered around the campfire that night.


The Ruffwear and Highlands are popular brands for dog backpacks. Sam doesn’t have one of these, he just has 2 basic ones from Amazon that I found on sale. His pack is the Himal Outdoors pack that I found on Amazon for about $25 or so.

Extra Towels

I have an absorbent towel, but I usually forget to bring it with us.

Dog first-aid kit

You don’t have to purchase a kit, what you would use for yourself, is applicable for your pups. I’m bad about bringing a first aid kit for myself even, so there’s that. But I do bring is a Mushers Paw for him.

Outdoor toys

My dog doesn’t really play with toys, but to keep him occupied I may bring a rawhide style chewable to keep him occupied.

Consider your dogs age and attention span. Does keep themselves occupied with new smells and environment, so it may not be necessary for short trips. Plus with the high excitement they are also guaranteed to sleep the boring parts of camping away.

A current photo

If you don’t have a current photo of your dog, does your

Vet records and medical information

At least a copy.

ID Tag

Please have your phone number on it, for easy contact.

Cooling Pad

If you’re out during the hot and warm months of the year, a cooling pad is a must. Dogs don’t sweat like us to keep cool during the summer. If you have noticed your dog laying on tile floors more during the summer even with the A/C on, this is what the cooling pad does.

Clothing for Winter

Yes dogs have fur, but if they are shivering during the winter, then they are cold. Sam is short haired and I have different clothing for him. During the winter he has a fleece full body outfit that helps to get him warm at night and in the early morning. I bought it in the fall for less than $25 and it’s one of the best things that I have bought for him.

Dog Hiking Boots or Booties

Get these if you plan on hiking or camping in rougher terrain. Also consider these if you will be around hot asphalt, concrete, or open areas where the ground will be hot.

Trust me it is not fun having to carry your dog, because they have cut or burned the bottoms of their feet. No matter the weight of your dog, the extra strain and weight on you will not be fun. Those pounds add up.

Rain Jacket

This is something that most may not consider until it happens. There is nothing worse than being in a tent during the rain, and your dog shakes off to dry. Wet dog is never a pleasant thing.

Dog attachable leash to your waist

From my experience, this would not work and I would be afraid that if he falls off a trail cliff, Sam would take me as well.

I love him, but I need to ensure my safety as well.

Dog Play Pen

At 65 pounds, Sam is just too big and would knock it down. Plus it is too cumbersome to lug around.

If you have a smaller dog, it would be great option instead of a tether.

Dog Sleeping Bag

I haven’t tried this, but a friend of mine does a lot more backpacking than I do and got one for her pup. Her pup just wanted to sleep near her and wouldn’t use it. I feel like Sam would do the same.

Dog Tent

I’ve seen some campers get these, but for my use, it would be one more thing to carry and setup. I don’t think Sam would stay in it like other dogs would. When I take Sam, he is tethered and he would just himself wrapped with the tent.

Dog Goggles

It’s not because I don’t like them, Sam just doesn’t. Everything that goes over his head or face, He immediately takes off.


As a dog parent and adventurer, it’s important to do things with them. Leaving your pet at home or boarding them is fine when necessary, but bringing your dog creates memories for you and them. Dogs like to be outdoors just like you.