Life and Thoughts

Utilization Rate and Credit Score

Credit Card Utilization and Credit Score Explained Utilization Rate and your credit score go hand in hand. Calculating Utilization Rate You take the open balance for a credit card and you divide by the credit limit. Credit Card 1: 60000/10000 then multiply by 100 =...

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Stay Motivated

Stay Motivated

Stay Motivated: Getting and Staying Motivated Do you ever feel like you're stuck in a rut, unable to make progress towards your goals? It's a frustrating feeling, but the good news is that you can take steps to build momentum and start making strides towards the life...

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Website Redo and Plans – Aug 2022

This website has grown and has gone into too many directions and it's only been a few months since I have made it a point to dedicated time to this website. Organization I'm going to simplifying the header and reorganizing the pages and categories. Current Header...

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10 ways to Have A Stellar Day

10 ways to Have A Stellar Day

How is your day going? Are you sure it will be a great one? You have the option and you have the ability to make the day a fantastic one. No one can make your day bad one unless you allow them. It is completely up to you to decide how you are going to take how things...

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Always Happens in 3’s 🥴

Always Happens in 3’s 🥴

I stopped to get gas on the way to Stone Mountain, there was an issue with the gas pump. The next day when I went kayaking, we had to wait out a storm that was passing through. And lash when I was trying to charge my phone, the charging port had gotten wet. The last...

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