These are just some things that I have done while traveling solo throughout the years. These have worked for me. I’m not saying that I haven’t been in sticky situations before, but it my experience it has always been closer to home. I am not sure why that is the case, perhaps being overly comfortable, just people in general, or a bit of both.

Keep Confident

The biggest advice that I can give is to be confident, even when your scared you can still be confident. Your confidence will reflect in your body language.

You can be scared as hell inside, but still be confident at the same time.

Get started

If your uncomfortable with the idea, start with group activities. You don’t have to travel there with someone that you know. Meet up with a group that share common interests.

I recently meet up with a group that was going to Stone Mountain to see the sunset and Strawberry Moon rise.

Tell Someone

A huge safety factor, no matter who you are is letting people know where you are traveling to and setup check ins.

I have a friend of mine that is traveling solo and is currently near Yellowstone. We’ll check in every so often and I know the reservations at the TV locations.

Will be adding more.