
Hiking doesn’t have to be a 10 mile up and down a mountian. It can be a leisure walk arounnd Kennesaw Mountain on their trails.

To me as long as I’m out and about, that is considered a hike. Of course I’d rather go chasing waterfalls and be in the woods with Sam and share a good story or two with other people.

When I hike with Sam, we’re usually one of the last ones to get there. Sam is young at heart but he’s 14 years old and I must follow his slower walking pace and his sniffing pace. But at the end of it, we still enjoy the sights that are there to see.

We mostly hike in a group with other people for safety reasons, but there have been times we went solo. Yes it’s not always the safest, but the trailhead taken is very popular and I do carry protection with me.