If you’ve never worked on business process improvement, it’s easy to think that it’s not worth your time or hard.

Process improvements does not have to be hard and it doesn’t have to be for large or corporate companies with multiple warehouse and/or locations.

Even small businesses can benefit with simple improvements.

Simple and Easy improvements

  • Condense your sales cycle – digitize and/or automate repeating steps
  • Teach the shortcuts of copy and pasting instead of manually typing it out – it may sound like it is common knowledge, but not everyone knows about these handy shortcuts.
  • Microsoft Excel or Google Sheets automations on processes that you do consistently. Some of them may require some time and others an extension or add-in to use, but you’ll save time overall.
  • Checklists – If there are daily repetitive steps, then have a checklist and start where you were left off the previous day.

Process improvements do not have to be drawn out projects. As you can see in the examples, they can be very simple and reduce your wasted time.