If you’ve had a website for quite sometime or have a fresh site, you will need to first gather data.

Some of the data that you want to track include

  • Traffic 
  • Most popular pages
  • Time a user stays on your website and pages 
  • Bounce rate
  • CTR
  • Traffic sources 

How to gather kpis on my site?

Website Measuring

  • Number of visits
    • Sessions vs unique visitors (users)
    • New vs Returning
    • Track trends
  • Traffic Sources – where are they coming from
    • Organic – Traffic generated by relevant keywords and/or your business name
    • Referrals – Traffic that comes to your site through websites that link to your site
    • Direct – Traffic generated by those who type your exact URL into their browser
    • Email Marketing – Traffic generated by links in email marketing campaigns
    • Paid Traffic – Traffic generated by PPC search engine ads, retargeting ads, etc.
    • Social Media – Traffic that comes to your site through social network links or ads.
  • Bounce rate (visit site and leaves, doesn’t go to another page) and Average Session Time (how long long on site)
  • Conversion Rate (user activity)
    • Downloading a case, request a quote etc